Study live with Alistair

Post Covid-19, this is Mindsprings' first online webinar weekend. And I'm so excited to be teaching 'Tapping into Freedom' this way.

I've taught the this 'tapping and meditation' course in Cardiff and in London and both times were really powerful. It opened up new avenues for meditation practice for both me and the participants. I think it will work really well as a live webinar. 

If you can make it, I really look forward to seeing you on the 20-21 June. Do book the two together (you get lifetime access to the full course online).  Make sure you use the check-out code COVID50 to get your half-price offer during the crisis. 

Watch Intro Video

Alistair talks about the tapping course...


Make sure you get the discount before 20 June

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Approximate timings

We start at 9am UK time and finish at 5pm each day.

Session I
Session II
Session III
Saturday Sunday 9.00am-11.00am 11.00am-11.30am 11.30am-1.3pm 1.30pm-2.30pm 2.30pm-5.00pm

This is a rough idea of the day. There will be break out rooms and space to practice within those 2-hour blocks, so it's not just me lecturing you for hours at a stretch!

There's a curriculum and the full description of the course here

I will send out the key slides the day before the course so you can have them as a reference during. 

The webinar will be filmed so that participants may have a record of it. It will not be shared beyond this group. However, my portions will be used in the online course. Your image and voice will not be recorded.